"I wanted to drop a line to thank YellowZone for all the support that theyt have given me to implement YZ Manager in our environment. I commend YellowZone and their development staff on YZ Manager. I found the program very easy to learn, intuitive and practical. The support folks are very reachable, friendly and tenacious. I like the fact that if I have a problem I can talk to a live person versus a web-site or recorded messages. Once again, congratulations on a great product."

E. L. Hewlett Packard Company

"We are very excited to be up and running on YZ Project from YellowZone. We have been looking for a way of doing collaborative project management for quite sometime and YellowZone is the right combination of features and simplicity. YellowZone's responsiveness has been wonderful. I would recommend YZ Project for any institution looking for a way to get organized and establish accountability for work done."

M.A. Director, Prince George's Community College

"We are a manufacturing and marketing company looking to consolidate task management in three countries at multiple locations. We researched project management packages extensively and found YellowZone's YZ Project to be a simple, effective, and lightening quick, even over dial-up. Behind a good package are great people and we have been treated like a fortune 500. I have nothing but good things to say about YellowZone's people and product."

S.B. President, Bikelink International

"YZPM is just what the doctor ordered. My staff is absolutely thrilled to have a tool giving them the opportunity to be as organized as humanly possible."

R. C. President . Electromed, Inc.

For further information about YellowZone, Inc., contact us at (818) 788-7810. Email us at info@yellowzone.com
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All other names and terms in this release are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.