Version 7.0 offers an impressive array of new features and refined functionality, encapsulated within a user friendly layout that can be freely customized at the click of a button. Maximizing the benefit of our web based project management software we have added new features sure to please.
General Enhancements:
  1. Version 7.0 has been optimized to provide a foundation for maximum upgradability for new features and customizations for individual client needs.
  2. Oracle 9i compatability
  3. Forgot Password Feature
  4. Timezone feature for customizing to a specific timezone
  5. Download: All attachment download will prompt "save as"
  6. Dates now include a time stamp for enhanced sorting

Calendar Enhancements:
  1. Allow multiple memo entries for any given day and be able to list those entries.
  2. Users can view task/project and memo information directly from the calendar.
  3. Users can add projects and tasks directly from the calendar and have that information accessible within the calendar.
  4. Admin can specify which Task/Project fields to be displayed from the calendar.

Bulletin Enhancements:
  1. Look and feel enhancements.
  2. Bulletins posted to Groups may send out a notification to all group members of the new posting (if allowed by Admin)

Projects Enhancments:
  1. Users assigned to a project will be able to list them directly from the main page.
  2. Ability to list/search/homepage list projects by assigned users (managers and directors level only).
  3. Start/End date for projects
    (the dates allow the projects to appears on calendar)
  4. Project Completed/Date Completed fields - now users can specify from the project level if a project has been completed or not.
  5. Project Assgined to Groups/Users - now a project can have ownership accountability by assigning to a group or a user.
  6. Fifty extra fields (each can be customized to different field types)
  7. Users can now search projects.

Task Enhancments:
  1. Percent completed field
    An additional field for users to indicate the percentage a Task is completed.
  2. Show percent completed bar
    A visual bar appears when listing Tasks indicating the percentage completed.
  3. Task ID Field
    Added as additional field seperate from system Task id.
  4. Fifty extra fields
    Each can be customized
  5. Mofication history
    View the history of modification history applied to any Task.
    History can also be viewed from a Task listing.
  6. Client Feedback
    View client feedbacks with their attachments for any Task
  7. Sub tasks now sorted by time
  8. Total Costs
    Directors automatically see total costs of all task being listed

Reporting Enhancements:
  1. Save Search
    Users can save a search result for any Tasks & Projects
  2. Custimized Search Results
    Admin can specify columns to be displayed in a search result.

Automatic Email Notifications:
  1. Users assigned to a Project get automatic email notifications.
  2. Users who have Tasks with Reminders will received an automatic email notification of that reminder on the reminder date.
  3. Users with uncompleted Tasks can received an automatic email reminder containing a list of all Tasks still uncompleted.

    *Scheduling is based on system settings *

Client Enhancements:
  1. When listing clients, show groups which each client is assigned to.
  2. Client TaskFeedbacks
    When clients log in to client section they can attach feedbacks to any task with file attachments
    (if allowed by admin preferences)
  3. Client Project Feedbacks
    When clients log in to client section they can attach feedbacks to any task with file attachments
    (if allowed by admin preferences)

User Listing Enhancements:
  1. Show groups for each assigned users in the user listing

Messaging Enhancements:
  1. New Message alert pop-up when user received a new message.
    (if allowed by Admin)


New Layout Change:
YZPM6 has incorporated a more user friendly design and layout. This includes new icons throughout the entire site. Some of these changes can be seen in the following sections: Adding & updating clients, Users, Groups, Tasks, Search and the Attachment page.

All users can now input a memo into any particular day of the Calendar. When the user logs in to YZPM6 on any particular day there would be a memo. The memo will appear on the user's memo page. This allows the user to separate setup schedules and reminders independent of any particular task. Directors would be allowed to view all users calendar memos while managers can view the Calendar memos of the users belonging to the same group as the manager.

Task Dependency:
Directors and managers will be able to control the flow of a particular task. When a task is created, the users can specify a list of users to whom the task gets automatically forwarded. When a task is completed by one user, the task gets automatically forwarded to the next user on the Dependency List and a message notification is sent out to notify the next user that he/she has a new task. The task keeps getting forwarded to the next until the last person on the list completes the task.

Distribution List:
YZPM6 now allows automatic email notifications to groups designated in the Distribution List for a particular task. Whenever that task is completed or updated, all users in the group selected from the Distribution List will get an email notification. That email notification can also contain any particular task information such as task name, description, deadline, etc. These fields are specified in the administrator preferences.

User/Group Drop Down Selections:
There is a more user friendly way to select a user without having to scroll down an entire list of users and their groups which they are assigned to. In the new version, when assigning a new task, updating a task or searching a task, users can first select the group that the new task will be assigned to first. Then the users belonging to that group will automatically be listed. The user could then be assigned out of that list. This speeds up the time in selecting a users especially where the list of users may be very long.

Direct URL Task Link:
All email messages sent out referencing to any particular task now have a direct link where users can click on to see that task. Users will have to login to YZPM6 first if not already logged in; however once logged in they go directly to view that particular task.

Project Due date:
All projects can now be assigned a project due date. The project due date can be updated as often as needed to reflect changes on a project status.

Remember Me:
When ZYPM6 users login, they can still access the software without having to login again once they close their browser. Their login information is saved on the browser's cache settings. Once the user logs off they will have to log back in.

MSSQL 2000 Compatible:
YZPM6 is now compatible with MSSQL 2000 server along with its previous list of compatible databases which includes but not limited to: MySQL, Access, MSSQL7, Sybase and Oracle.

Extra Fields:
YPZM6 now has incorporated 5 extra fields in which clients can label and use for any purpose. This allows customizable fields pertaining to the client's needs. The client can rename each field and choose it anyway they want. They could also use any fields to do customizable search.

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All other names and terms in this release are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.